Tuesday, October 09, 2007

What? No Beacon?

RedState's regular contributor, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) alerts readers to an Outrage that Cannot Stand! or OTCS, for short. (However, the lighthouse keepers at RedState apparently haven't shown Rep. Cantor how to switch on the flashing red Outrage BeaconTM that usually accompanies other OTCSs. It's missing without explanation from his post.)

What is it that prompts Rep. Cantor's outrage? Why, it's a certificate made out by the Architect of the Capitol for an Eagle Scout's grandfather...wait, don't go! It is an outrage, really it is! Here, let Rep. Cantor explain:
On September 11 2007, Andrew Larochelle requested a flag be flown over the United States Capitol – the flag was intended as a gift to his grandfather, to mark the occasion of Andrew's induction into the Eagle Scouts. They requested that the certificate read, "this flag flown in honor of Marcel Larochelle, my grandfather, for his dedication and love of God, country and family."

The bureaucrats at the Architect of the Capitol's office, which is controlled by Speaker Pelosi, removed the word God from the certificate. They have apparently, without the proper legislative authority, created new rules to prevent the word God from appearing on their certificates.

This, Rep. Cantor goes on to warn, is just the first step leading to the eventual eradication of the Diety from all government buildings, documents, and currency.

Really. I know it's hard to believe, but if you don't believe me, click the link and see for yourself.

Of course, Rep. Cantor is quick to lay the blame at Ms. Pelosi's Ferragamos. However, he fails to provide any links to news stories, Congressional web sites, or even any information about the office of Architect of the Capitol. (Who knew we still needed one? Not us. We have heard that contractors are sometimes lackadasical about deadlines, but this seems beyond tolerable.) So, we outcasts here at BFRedstate became curious about the mechanics of Ms. Pelosi's latest attack on God and country.

As it turns out, we don't actually have a real Architect of the Capitol right now. The most recent officeholder, Alan M. Hantman, resigned back in February. For the time being, an acting AotC--Stephen T. Ayers--is making sure the restrooms are clean, the light bill is paid, and the agenda of Godless secularism is advanced.

So who is this Ayers fellow? A beneficiary of Ms. Pelosi's patronage? A Soros mole? A holdover from the Clinton administration cleaning things up before Hillary's arrival?

No. This is Steven T. Ayers:

After attending Officers Training School at Lackland Air Base in San Antonio, Texas, Mr. Ayers was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force and assigned to Edwards Air Force Base in Edwards, California. While stationed at Edwards, he served as a Staff Architect with the 6510th Civil Engineering Squadron managing numerous design and construction projects. He was promoted to Design Team Chief and progressed to the rank of Captain. Mr. Ayers was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal for his military service and after five years of active duty, resigned his commission to pursue a civilian career.

After working in the architectural and engineering community in the Washington, D.C., area, Mr. Ayers joined the Voice of America in Washington, D.C., as a General Engineer in 1991. In 1992 he transferred to Rhodes, Greece, to lead construction efforts at several Voice of America sites in Greece and Germany. Mr. Ayers returned to the United States in 1997 and joined the Architect of the Capitol as an Assistant Superintendent for the Senate Office Buildings. In 1999, he was promoted to Deputy Superintendent. He was then promoted to Superintendent of the Library Buildings and Grounds in 2002.

In October 2005, Mr. Ayers was appointed as the Acting Deputy Architect/Chief Operating Officer (COO). In March 2006, following a rigorous interview process before a selection panel comprised of the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives, the Comptroller General, Senate Sergeant at Arms, and senior AOC officials, Mr. Ayers was selected as the Deputy Architect/COO. In this role, he oversees approximately 2,200 employees and manages the day-to-day operations of the Agency.

Former Air Force captain. Former Voice of America employee. Appointed to his current position by a Republican Congress. He's the one striking the name of the Almighty from boy-scout-gift-to-grandad certificates until George Bush appoints a replacement for the position that has been open for the last eight months.

On the other hand, Mr. Ayers is only a temp, after all. Is he really to blame for all this?

No, he's not.

A memo issued by Mr. Hantman prior to his departure lays out the rules for all members of Congress who request flags and certificates on behalf of their constituents. It was apparently Mr. Hantman who banished Jehovah with a commandment of his own, rule number 8:

Personalized dedications are permitted, but limited to three hundred (300) characters. Please keep in mind, political and/or religious expressions are not permitted on the flag certificate.

A-ha! So Hantman is the no-good, athiestic, snake appointed by...appointed by...um...Bill Clinton??

Quick! Fire up the Beacon!!

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