Tuesday, June 19, 2007

That Gnawing Feeling

The Redstate "directors" and their guard dog Mr. Lane have suddenly awakened to find that their rabid brand of conservativism, nativism, and militarism attracts some unsavory characters.

Wolf-trap ugly time, boys?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sure we can agree that the unsavory characters are not those who are banned from RS, but those who are respected there. Take for instance RS Director favorite mbecker908.

He caused quite the stir back in 10/07 with this blog on SCHIP (the money quote follows):

Now then, the REAL QUESTION: do we have anybody holding elective office who's man enough to beat these people to death with this info or not? And can we please get an IRS audit of this family. I really want to know how they paid $40k in tuition, over $15k in mortgage payments, payments on their commercial property, bought food and clothes on a combined income of $45k!

Hang 'em. Publically [sic]. Let 'em twist in the wind and be eaten by ravens. Then maybe the bunch of socialist patsies will think twice.

Lovely! (By the by, mbecker, correct spelling is good!)

Once the media caught wind of it, Moe scrambled to whitewash it for him:

I'm going to have to take issue with that last bit, mbecker.

I recognize that your last paragraph was meant metaphorically, but we have come down on this sort of thing in the past. Please clarify your intent.

So sweet! What do I have to do to be allowed to "clarify my intent?" Why, I would have to support the Bush Doctrine of preemptive never-ending wars and nation-building in the name of American jihad to spread Democracy in Islamic lands. Sorry, boys. No can do.

(If you would like to write a post on this, feel free to do so, and just delete this comment. I am sure your snark on this particular subject will be far superior, and I found this episode to be the most glaring example of hypocrisy on RedState and worthy of comment.)


Yes. Me too. For, not being there in "good faith" according to the neocon brownshirt Neil Stevens (who suffers under the delusions that he is The Shadow as well as a Goldwater Republican, poor thing.)

Can I just say that, before I wandered in to RedState Land, I had never seen so many brown-nosers, tattle tales and ass-kissers amassed in one place in all my life.