Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Putting the 'Urge' in 'Purge'

It’s probably better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in.--Lyndon Johnson

I'm starting this little blog to nip at the ankles of the conservative colossi at Redstate. On occasion--well, daily--one of them posts something so objectionable or poorly reasoned that it just can't pass without comment.

Of course, I could comment right there at Redstate. After all, they do run one of the rare conservative blogs that allows comments. I could, that is, if I hadn't been banned for using the word "purge" to characterize the desire of one of the regular Redstate writers to "reduce and gradually eliminate Muslim immigrants from these shores."

In my second-ever comment, I asked whether the writer only wanted to get rid of Muslim immigrants or if there were others we should purge. That unwelcome question earned me a stern and condescending lecture from the local enforcer and a demand that I "apologize to the nice paleoconservative." (His words, not mine.)

My failure to deliver resulted in banishment.

So now I join the legion of former Redstate commenters. Thus, this homely little blog. I'm not fooling myself that this effort will change the policies or behaviors at Redstate. I'm not fooling myself that this blog will matter to anyone over there. I'm not even pretending that my interest in this will last more than a week or two.

But I'm definitely outside the tent, and feeling the need to...um, purge.

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